Alternate layer method in vertical z-coordinate of 3-D estuary hydrodynamic model
Received:August 08, 2008  
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KeyWord:alternate layer method  3-D model  z-coordinates mode  estuary  ccost-3d
包芸 中山大学力学系,广州
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      The alternate layer method for speed and water level is designed and developed adopting the alternate grid method based on the plane variable configuration for the three-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical model in estuary, and the problem that the seabed is changed into steps by using the vertical z-coordinates mode is successfully solved. Based on ccost-2d model, the 3-D hydrodynamic numerical model ccost-3d is developed, which adopts the vertical z-coordinates mode and ensures the simulation of the actual seabed bottom boundaries. As an example, the three-dimensional flow for the overall simulation of four gates in the west of the Pearl River is calculated. The results of the distribution of the level surface speed and the vertical profile speed in the gates and the river ways are reasonable.