Formula derivation in axisymmetric strain gradient theory and finite element implementation
Received:April 10, 2007  
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KeyWord:strain gradient theory  C1 weak continuity  axisymmetric element  C0-1 patch test
赵杰 大连理工大学 国家结构分析与工业装备重点实验室,大连
陈万吉 大连理工大学 国家结构分析与工业装备重点实验室,大连 ;沈阳航空工业学院 飞行器结构分析研究所,沈阳
冀宾 大连理工大学 国家结构分析与工业装备重点实验室,大连
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      This paper deals with the basic functions of axisymmetric strain gradient theory. A weak continuity condition, which assured the axisymmetric strain gradient element convergent is proposed. And an 18-DOF axisymmetric refined nonconforming triangular element(BCIZ+ART9)is derived. The displacement function of the thin plate triangular element BCIZ, which can pass the C0linear stress patch test, is used to calculate strain ε. And the element function of the refined element ART9, which is derived from BCIZ and satisfies the interelement C1 weak continuity conditions, is used to calculate the strain gradientη. Numerical results show that the element can reflect the scale effects of strain gradient and pass C0-1 patch test.