A support vector machine response surface method for structural reliability analysis
Received:June 07, 2007  
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KeyWord:implicit limit state  structural reliability  response surface method  support vector regression
李洪双 西北工业大学 航空学院,西安
吕震宙 西北工业大学 航空学院,西安
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      In order to predict failure probability of implicit performance function for complex structures, a support vector machine response surface method (SVMRSM) is presented to alleviate the computational effort. The iterative concept of the proposed method is similar as that of classical response surface method (RSM). The support vector regression (SVR) is employed to establish the surrogate of the implicit performance function in SVMRSM; however, the rigid polynomial is employed in the classical RSM. SVR model is then connected to the first order reliability method (FORM) to calculate reliability index and form an iterative process. Moreover, an improved method is proposed for the selection of training samples, by which the efficiency of SVMRSM is improved further. Several comparisons using explicit or implicit performance functions are presented to illustrate the proposed method for structural reliability analysis. The SVMRSM is found to yield higher accurate results and to be most efficient.