Progressive AESO algorithm and application in topology optimization of heat conduction structures
Received:August 28, 2007  
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KeyWord:topology optimization  evolutionary structural optimization  sensitivity analysis  heat conduction  progressive additive evolutionary structural optimization.
刘书田 大连理工大学 工程力学系 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连
贺丹 大连理工大学 工程力学系 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连
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      This work presents a new version of the additive evolutionary structural optimization (AESO) procedure based on sensitivity analysis for topology optimization of continuum structures. It has been proved by illustrative examples that the one-step AESO algorithm based on sensitivity analysis can’t obtain good optimal result in the optimization of continuum structures. The reason of failure was pointed out as: the sensitivity of design variables can’t accurately describe the relationship of objective function and design variables when the design variables are changing too much (from 0 to 1). And a new version so called progressive AESO algorithm based on sensitivity analysis was proposed and demonstrated by illustrative examples of heat conduction structure optimization. By which the strategy of adding material in the bi-directional ESO algorithm based on sensitivity analysis was provided.