The arc-length method for solving the coupled equation of mechanics-electricity
Received:June 28, 2007  
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KeyWord:MEMS  the coupled mechanics-electricity  arc-length method
杨小斌 常州工学院 机电工程学院,常州
周又和 兰州大学 土木工程与力学学院,兰州
王晓军 常州工学院 机电工程学院,常州
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      Flexible plate subjected to static electric force is a key component of MEMS. And its governing equation is a group of nonlinear coupled equation consisted of static equilibrium equation and static electric equilibrium equation. On the based of giving the means of solving these equations, that the arc-length method is generalized result in loading pattern change that turn directly loading voltage into indirectly loading voltage by deflection control. It is shown that the method not has the excellent convergence but be able to give the deformation after pull-in. Numerical examples show that pull-in threshold calculated by this method is more agreement with experiment value than analytical model.