Numerical simulation on influence of diffusion performance on airstream distribution in a room
Received:March 14, 2007  
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KeyWord:air conditioning  diffusion performance  air-stream distribution  numerical stimulation  cold air distribution
栾茹 北京建筑工程学院,北京
李锐 北京建筑工程学院,北京
员东兆 北京建筑工程学院,北京
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      This paper presents an investigation in the diffusion performance and indoor of cold air distribution system. The flow conditions of cold air and its influence on the indoor environment were deeply discussed. Cold air discharge theory was used to analyze the diffusion performance and three important parameters were investigated, including the characteristic length, throw distance and separation distance. Regarding some typical air-conditional room as the object, this paper studies air-stream distribution in the room under cold air diffusion by the method of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Through establishing reasonable mathematics model, the paper stimulates the air-conditional airstream distribution. Then stimulation results are validated by experiments. Based on analyzing the calculated velocity and temperature fields of the air-stream in the room under several entry speed, the paper ascertains its entry speed range and the best entry speed. Finally the conclusion that every cold air distribution system has its own entry speed range is deduced.