Three-dimensional numerical analysis of cracks in transversely isotropic materials
Received:October 30, 2006  
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KeyWord:transversely isotropic material  elasticity  three- dimensional crack problem  hypersingular integral equation  boundary element met hod
陈梦成 华东交通大学 土木工程学院,南昌
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      In this paper,started rigorously from Green functions for elastic spac e problems of transversely isotropic materials,the fundamental solutions for a displacement-jump (dislocation) were derived by Hadamard’s finite-part integr a l concepts.Subsequently,the problem of a three-dimensional planar crack with a r bitrary shape in an infinite transversely isotropic solid was reduced to the sol ution of a set of hyper-singular integral equations with unknown displacement j umps.Discretization of the boundary element method on the crack surfaces was dis cussed.The hyper-singular integrals in the equations were numerically treated b y the use of Hadamard’s finite-part integral concepts.Finally,some numerical ex amples of typical-shaped planar crack problems were given and the effeetiveness of the analysis was validated.