Received:August 20, 2006  
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KeyWord:fluids mixing  micro channel flow  micro mixing  flow control
刘庆明 北京理工大学机电工程学院,北京
白春华 北京理工大学机电工程学院,北京
Nadine Aubry New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102, USA
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      Mixing is important and critical for most microfluidic devices. An active mixing method based on an electro magneto hydrodynamic stirrer studied for mixing control in micro channel theoretically and numerically. A mixing chamber is used for the microchannel flow mixing. The dynamic Lorentz force acted on the fluids causes them to move back and forth periodically in the chamber. The periodically changed velocity causes the interface between fluids folded and the interfacial areas increase dramatically. The repeat movement and the folding of the interface make the fluids mixed. The mixing process was discussed and the mixing performance was evaluated.