Simulation of the deformation and failure of explosive-filled cylinder under internal explosion
Received:April 17, 2006  
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KeyWord:internal explosion  failure  numerical simulation  damage
范书群 中国科学技术大学 力学和机械工程系,合肥
李永池 中国科学技术大学 力学和机械工程系,合肥
董杰 中国科学技术大学 力学和机械工程系,合肥
朱志刚 中国科学技术大学 力学和机械工程系,合肥
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      The paper considers the cylinder deformation and fragmentation under the internal explosion. A damage model that considers the stress triaxiality is introduced to the cylinder constitutive model based on continuum damage mechanics. The description of the general thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relations is derived based on the internal variable theory and with the modified Johnson-Cook model the specific incremental thermal-plastic constitutive relations are obtained to describe the constitutive relations of the steel cylinder. Damage and temperature effects are coupled to the material parameters so that they influenced the plastic deformation process. The governing equations and the discrete method are given. The governing equations were given out. Numerical simulations are carried out with Lagrange explicit difference method to simulate the deformation and failure of explosive-filled cylinder under internal explosion. Results are obtained and analyzed, which give detailed description of the deformation and damage process of the cylinder under the load of the internal explosion. And the results are compared with the experimental results and show a good agreement with them.