Natural characteristics of hydrothermal wave in a shallow annular pool
Received:September 27, 2006  
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KeyWord:thermocapillary convection  hydrothermal wave  silicone oil  numerical simulation
石万元 重庆大学 动力工程学院 重庆
李友荣 重庆大学 动力工程学院 重庆
彭岚 重庆大学 动力工程学院 重庆
曾丹苓 重庆大学 动力工程学院 重庆
今石宣之 日本九州大学 先导物质化学研究所,日本福冈 816-8580
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      In order to understand the natural characteristics of thermocapillary flow and hydrothermal wave, the thermocapillary convections are simulated numerically in a differentially heated shallow annular pool of silicone oil with depth of 1 mm. The results indicate that under small Marangoni (Ma) number, near the inner and outer wall, the two-dimensional steady axisymmetric flow increase its radial velocity component with increasing of Ma due to increase of temperature gradient. When Ma exceeds a critical value Ma<em>c, three-dimensional oscillatory convection occurs and hydrothermal wave comes out. Companying with traveling of hydrothermal wave, fluid elements flows along clockwise and anticlockwise directions as well as along radial direction. Though hydrothermal wave travels with large angular velocity, azimuthal velocity component of fluid elements is small. In shallow annular pool of silicone oil with moderate Pr number, the hydrothermal wave is a kind of logarithmic spiral curve with constant propagating angle. The propagating angle increases with increase of Ma.