Studies on failure mechanism of reinforced concrete beam-column joints using three-dimensional finite element method
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KeyWord:reinforced concrete(RC),beam-column joint,shear performance,new strengthening method,three-dimensional finite element analysis(3D-FEA),failure mechanism
ZHANG Da-chang1  HAN Li-ting1  NOGUCHI Hiroshi2
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      In order to study the essentials of the increases of shear resistance and ductility of RC beam-column joint,and the change of failure mode from joint shear failure to beam-end flexural failure,the failure mechanism of RC joints are investigated before or after being strengthened based on three-dimensional finite element analysis in previous paper.Through deeply investigating the developments of stress-strain relationship of core concrete in joints,the damage growths of concrete in different zones are studied.Simultaneously,according to the stress-strain relationships of concrete,the confined effect from hoop steels,tie plate for bond strengthening is discussed.Seen from above researches,it can be concluded that the factual strength of core concrete is increased and the its damage is weakened,and then the failure mode is changed from joint shear failure to beam-end flexural failure,because of bond linking strengthening and the confined effect of tie plate,anchor plate and hoops.As a result,the shear resistance and ductility of RC joint are increased by strengthening.