Blade aerodynamic optimization design based on approximation method
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KeyWord:turbine blades,multi-objective optimization,approximation technique
GAO Hang-shan 1  3  HAN Yong-zhi2  ZHANG Juan1  3  DENG Zi-chen1
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      The design of aeroengine must consider many disciplines such as aerodynamics,heat transfer,structure,vibration,longevity and reliability.As the requirements of design increase,traditional design methods are too difficult to meet these needs,it is necessary to introduce a novel design method which can consider the interaction of disciplines and obtain system optimum design.This paper presents an optimization method for designing the profiles of turbine blade based on aerodynamic analysis.The proposed method is capable of addressing multiple objectives and constrains without relying on user input.A quintic polynomial is applied to create the three-dimensional blade model,and a three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver is used to solve the flow field around the turbine blade.The objective functions are the aerodynamic efficiency of turbine and its total pressure ratio.The optimization is carried out with the K-S function technique and approximation technique to accelerate the iterative cycle.Numerical simulations show that the method is effective for blade aerodynamic optimization design.