Multiple scattering computations of elastic waves based on integral equation method
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KeyWord:elastic wave,multiple scattering,coherent waves,integral equation,scattering cross section
WANG Hang  WEI Pei-jun  LIU Xi-qiang
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      The phase velocities and attenuation coefficients of coherent waves propagating through random medium,in which circular or elliptical column holes are distributed randomly in a matrix material,are studied in this paper.First,the specific integral equation to determine the scattering displacement vector is deduced.The equations to compute the scattering cross-section of one elliptical column hole are also deduced.Secondly,the multiple scattering in the random medium with randomly distributed column holes is analyzed and the equations to compute the phase velocities and attenuation coefficients of coherent waves with statistical average significance are given.Next,a numerical example is given and the numerical results are compared with that obtained by Wave Function extension Method.At last,the influence of the elliptical eccentricity and the porosity on the phase velocity and attenuation coefficient of coherent wave are discussed.