2D surrogate model of wing lift distribution based on radial basis function
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KeyWord:multidiscipline design optimization,2D surrogate model,radial basis function,shape function
YANG Hua  YAO Wei-xing
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      Surrogate model is used to provide approximate objective value by replacing time-consuming simulation evaluations or experiments.A new method to obtain 2D surrogate model of wing lift distribution was proposed in this paper based on geometry transformation and radial basis function.The geometry transformation of wing was conducted by means of shape function born of finite element method.The process of aerodynamic lift surrogate model build of a wing with arbitrary geometry was introduced.An example of aerodynamic lift surrogate model for a missile wing was made,in which the bending and torsional deformation of wing was included.The wing lift distribution was computed by CFD software MGAero.It is demonstrated that the results predicted by surrogate model is coherent with the one given by CFD simulation,and that the presented method is suitable and easy for surrogate model build.