An improved two-dimensional CE/SE method and its high-order schemes
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KeyWord:CE/SE method,higher order accuracy,numerical simulation
WANG Gang1  ZHANG De-liang2  LIU Kai-xin1  WANG Jing-tao1
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      In this paper,the original two-dimensional space-time conservation element and solution element(CE/SE) method is improved by proposing a new design of conservation elements and solution elements.First-and second-order improved CE/SE schemes are deduced and the derivation method of high-order improved CE/SE schemes is given.The numerical test problems such as shock wave reflection,down a step and pass a tube with clapboard are simulated by the improved CE/SE schemes.The numerical results show that the improvement on CE/SE method is successful.The improved CE/SE method has many advantages and deserves extension in numerical simulations.