Direct tensile damage mechanic model of steel fiber-reinforced mortar
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KeyWord:steel fiber-reinforced mortar,direct tension,debonding,damage model,experiment
HUANG Jun  JIANG Hong-dao
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      Based on Li Fa Ming's parallel bar model,one plane specimen composed of mortar and short steel fibers is analyzed in direct tension.A new damage model is attained,which assumed that the specimen is consisted of N composite bars,Each composite bar contains S mortar bars and one fiber bar..Considering the effect of fiber length and orientation,mortar damage is based on continuum damage mechanics,Loland model and Mazars model are introduced,but some modifications are made to accommodate the present study.In terms of huang's multi-fiber pullout model that assumed one fiber's failure will affect the other fibers around itself,interfacial damage between mortar matrix and fiber can be depicted by a ratio value of interfacial debonding length and fiber embedded length.Complex material damage contains mortar damage and fiber interfacial damage,some parameters of constitutive model depends on experimental data and references,so damage constitutive equation of steel fiber-reinforced mortar in direct tension can be obtained.A good agreement between the model predicted stress-strain whole curve and the experimentally obtained one shows that the analytical model is very successful.