Investigation on unsteady supercavity behind slender bodies
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KeyWord:supercavity,cavitator,unsteady flow,slender body theory,integral equation method
YANG Hong-lan  ZHANG Jia-zhong  LI Feng-ming  HUANG Qing-xin  WEI Xi-bin
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      Based on the integral equation method,the study on the unsteady supercavitating flow along an axially symmetric slender body is presented.The integral equations are solved using the finite difference time discretization method.Making an example for slender cone cavitator,the characteristics of the length and shape of supercavity varying with the cone's angle and cavitation number(for short as perturbation) are investigated,respectively.The varying features of some supercavity's scales are analyzed when flow field is perturbed periodically and the dependent relationship curves between cavity length and cavitation number are compared.The numerical results show that the less the duration of perturbation,the less the cavity length's changing.With the same perturbing frequencies,the longer the cavity,the longer the time lagging.Under the same cavity lengths,the higher the perturbing frequency,the longer the time lagging.With the perturbation of high frequency impulse,the created impulse waves propagate along the cavity surface with the oncoming flow velocity.In the case of little periodic perturbation,the created perturbed waves propagate along the cavity surface with the oncoming flow velocity.The obtained results will be useful for the analysis and design of cavitators under water.