A dynamic load identification method in time domain based on proportional feedback control principle
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KeyWord:time domain,dynamic load identification,proportional feedback control,numerical simulation,platform model test
LI Hui  DING Hua
Hits: 1997
Download times: 41
      A new dynamic load identification method in time domain is proposed based on proportional feedback control principle.In the approach the original open-loop dynamic system is changed into a virtual closed-loop feedback control system by connecting a virtual proportional feedback gain between the output and the structural model.The measured structural acceleration response is selected as the control signal of the virtual closed-loop system,and it is always compared with the output in the controller.The control error is amplified by the feedback gain and input into the control system as feedback until it converges or runs stable.Then the product of the error and the feedback gain that goes through high pass filter is the dynamic load signal to be identified.The method changes the inverse problem into the corresponding direct problem,namely solving structural transient response,for which many widely-used numerical algorithms can be employed,e.g.Newmark method,so its calculation is simple and fast.Moreover,the method is quite convenient for engineering application in that only structural acceleration response is necessary and the exact initial condition is no longer indispensable in the calculation.Because the identification error does not cumulate during the calculation,the stability of the identified result can also be strong.Finally,the effectiveness of the method is proved by the model test and numerical simulation of ice load identification of an offshore platform structure.