Particle integration of element free galerkin method and its application in metal extrusion simulation
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KeyWord:meshless methods,element free galerkin,nodal integration,particle integration,metal extrusion
PAN Xiao-fei  ZHANG Xiong  LU Ming-wan
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      Element Free Galerkin(EFG) method is very computationally intensive due to the requirement of elegant background cell quadratures.Nodal Integration of Element Free Galerkin(NIEFG) method converts the background cell quadrature into nodal integration,so that it is much more efficient than EFG.However,the existence of zero energy modes in NIEFG results in instability,and some stabilization scheme should be used to stabilize the method which may introduce significant extra errors.Based on the idea of stress points and Newton-Cotes integration,a particle integration of element free Galerkin(PIEFG) method is proposed in this paper.Numerical example of linear elasticity shows that the PIEFG is pretty stable and much more efficient than EFG.Furthermore,PIEFG is extended to the simulation of metal extrusion problems,which shows that PIEFG is very promising in metal extrusion simulation.