Application of unstructured moving grids in multi-material flow fluids simulation
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KeyWord:multi-material fluids,unstructured grids,moving grids,ghost fluid method,ALE method
ZHANG Jun  YANG Lian-bo  REN Deng-feng  TAN Jun-jie
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      Unstructured moving grids are used to simulate compressible multi-material flow fluids.Improved spring method is applied to handle grids' deformation because of their movement.The finite volume method based on cell-center scheme is adopted to solve the ALE(Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) formulation.The HLLC(Hartern,Lax,van Leer,Contact)method is presented to compute the flux of control face.The algorithm can achieve second-order precision in space by geometric construction method and forth-order in time by Runge-Kutta method.Material interface is treated by ghost fluid method.Problems of shock tube,underwater explosion are simulated and excited results are obtained.The locations of multimaterial interface at various times are calculated accurately and the propagating progress of multi-material interface is numerically simulated exactly.