Optimal sensor placement for super high-rise building based on simplified finite element model |
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DOI:10.7511/jslx20084081 |
KeyWord:optimal sensor placement,modal assurance criterion,QR-factorization,series of multidegree-of freedom,super high-rise building |
YI Ting-hua LI Hong-nan WANG Guo-xin |
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Abstract: |
The problem of sensor placement for a super high-rise building is discussed.Since the number of degree-of-freedom(DOF) of structure is large,multi-modes should be selected to describe the dynamic behavior of a structural system with sufficient accuracy to allow its health state to be determined effectively.A fundamental problem in analysis is how to accurately select the high-order modes.For this,a novel method computing the mode shape matrix of weak axis by simplified series multidegree-of-freedom system is developed based on the equivalent rigidity parameter identification method.The initial sensor assignment is obtained by the QR-factorization of the transpose of structural mode shape matrix.Taking the maximum off-diagonal element of the modal assurance criterion(MAC) matrix as a target function,adds one more sensor each time until the maximum off-diagonal element of MAC reaches the threshold.Considering the economic factor,the final plan of sensor placement of the building is determined. |