Parallel computing of element-free galerkin method for elasto-dynamics
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KeyWord:element-free galerkin method,meshless methods,elasto-dynamics,parallel computing,load balance,
ZENG Yi-shan  LU De-tang  ZENG Qing-hong
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      Parallel algorithms of Element-free Galerkin (EFG) Method were studied for elasto-dynamics.Parallel bucket search was used to perform nodal search,and parallel geometry search was used for sample-point search.We discussed the parallel computing the shape functions and their derivatives of moving least squares method(MLS),and employed SSOR-PPCG to solve the system of linear equations.A very important part of parallel computing of EFG, load balance,was solved with the aid of multilevel graph partitioning algorithm.Finally,we described the computing flowchart of parallel EFG for elastodynamics,and analyzed a numerical example.The numerical results are in good agreement with exact solution and show that parallel EFG possesses large parallel potential and high parallel efficiency.Parallel computing is very significant to EFG for dynamical problems.