Design of steel frames with semi-rigid connections based on a genetic algorithm
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KeyWord:genetic algorithm,semi-rigid,non-linearity,steel frame
YIN Zhigang  DING Jie-min
Hits: 1976
Download times: 15
      Steel frames with semi-rigid connections are optimized using a niche genetic algorithm(NGA).The limitation of GA such as poor local search ability and premature is largely enhanced.The crossover operator and mutation is improved while considering the adaptive method.Mathematic model of steel frames with semi-rigid connections is discussed.A software system is developed for steel frames with semi-rigid connections.The design algorithm obtains optimum frame by selecting appropriate sections from standard steel section tables,the algorithm accounts for the effect of the flexibility of the connections and the geometric non-linearity of the members,two design examples with semi-rigid connections are studied.The result has shown that consideration of geometric non-linearity results in more weights,it is also noticed that using steel weights is lighter to braced steel frame with semi-rigid connections.