Finite element method to establish Micheli truss with unequal permissible stresses for tension and compression
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KeyWord:structural optimization,topology optimization,Michell truss,finite element method
ZHOU Ke-min
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      The finite element method to establish Michell truss with different permissible stresses for compression and tension was presented.The orthotropic material model was adopted.The densities and orientations of the members at nodes were taken as design variables.The character of material at any point in element was interpolated by the values at nodes.The material was distributed in design domain continuously,which avoided the break of material character between elements.The numerical instabilities,such as 1-node connected hinges,checkerboards and mesh-dependencies,disappeared entirely.Based on optimality criteria method,the iterative algorithm was presented,which was suitable for material with unequal permissible stresses for tension and compression.The member orientations were oriented along the principal stress directions obtained by finite element analysis.The member densities were adjusted according to the strains along the principal stress directions and permissible stresses for compression and tension.The distributive members in Michell truss were formed from the orientations of members at nodes.