Nonlinear analysis of RC beams considering shear effect
  Revised:August 26, 2005
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KeyWord:moment-curvature relationship,reinforced concrete beam,finite element,nonlinear analysis
PANG Miao  LOU Tie-jiong  XIANG Yi-qiang
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      To improve the computational efficiency and accuracy of reinforced concrete RC beams,a macroscopic finite element method based on the moment-curvature relationship of beam section was presented,which is capable of performing the material nonlinear analysis of RC beams with various span-depth ratios.Nonlinear stress-strain relationships for concrete and steel were assumed firstly,and then a section analysis model suggested by Rodriguez was revised and introduced,in which the cross section was divided into several trapezoids according to boundary vertices.The quasi-Newton algorithm was used to solve the nonlinear equilibrium equations coupled with two variables.Thereby,the moment-curvature relationship of RC section was established.On this basis,Timoshenko beam flexural theory was utilized to develop the finite element analysis model for RC beams considering the effect of transverse shear deformation.Two beam specimens were analyzed using the proposed analysis method,and the reliability and validity of the proposed model is verified by comparing the analytical predictions with the experimental results.