Application of the hyper-singular integral equation method to a three-dimensional mixed-mode crack perpendicular to the bi-materiai interface
  Revised:March 01, 2006
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KeyWord:stress intensity factor,bimaterial,crack,hyper-singular integral equations,finite-part integral
ZHU Bo-jing  Qin Tai-yan
Hits: 1252
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      Using the fundamental displacement solutions and Somigliana's formula,a mixed-mode three-dimensional crack perpendicular to the interface of different materials is reduced to solve a set of hyper-singular integral equations.The singularity of the singular stress field around the crack front termina-ting at the interface is analyzed by the main-part analysis method of hyper-singular integral equations,and the formulae to evaluate the stress intensity factors expressed with the displacement discontinuities are obtained.Then a numerical method for the hyper-singular integral equations is proposed by using the finite-part integral concepts and the analytical results of the displacement discontinuities near the crack front.Finally,numerical solutions of some typical examples are given.The convergence of stress inten-sity factors is discussed.