Mathematical mesh adaptation of numerical manifold element method
  Revised:June 02, 2006
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KeyWord:numerical manifold method,numerical manifold element method,posteriori error estimation,mesh adaptation
LING Dao-sheng  HE Chun-jian  YE Mao
Hits: 1850
Download times: 11
      A-posteriori error estimation theory and a practical and effective h-type adaptive procedure for numerical manifold element method are presented.The relative error factors of manifold element and discrete system are defined in energy norm.To estimate the relative error factors,the exact stresses are approximately determined through stresses on Gaussian points basing on the numerical manifold method and finite cover technology.All manifold elements with relative error factor determined to exceed a pre-assigned limit are automatically refined until the relative error factor of discrete system satisfies a prescribed demand.The corresponding program is coded and two examples,one is an L-shaped structure and the other is a soil slope,are analyzed.The results indicate that the procedure can give nearly optical mesh and is practical and effective for both regular problems and problems with strong singularities.