Thermo-mechanical coupling analysis based on constraint function method
  Revised:February 28, 2006
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KeyWord:finite element,contact,thermo-mechanical coupling,constraint function method
WU Qing-ming  CHEN Yong-qiang
Hits: 1567
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      A thermo-mechanical coupling model was constituted for finite element analysis based on the thermo-mechanical phenomena.Dynamic equilibrium and thermodynamic equilibrium formulations of the system were brought forward.The conditions of contact were analyzed among the bodies in the system,and then these conditions were induced by mathematical formulas.The contact conditions were expressed by constraint functions.Applied the principle of variation,constraint functions were carried through a resolution of a set of nonlinear equations including the variational and equilibrium equations to solve the thermo-mechanical problems.Finally,a case is done to indicate the applied constraint function method to solve the thermo-mechanical problems.The results show good convergence,arithmetic stability and agreement with the experiment.