Extended finite element method for direct evaluation of strength intensity factors
Received:September 20, 2006  Revised:March 13, 2007
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KeyWord:extended finite element method,stress intensity factor,partition of unit method,discontinuous function,crack tip asymptotic field
DONG Yu-wen  YU Tian-tang  REN Qing-wen
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      A method named as extended finite element method(XFEM) for directly evaluating stress intensity factors(SIFs) is presented.XFEM is based on the classical FEM and partition of unit method(PUM).Near a crack,the standard displacement approximation is enriched with discontinuous fields and the near tip asymptotic fields which present discontinuous displacement of crack surface and local property of the crack tip respectively.Thus,the crack surface can be presented indirectly and the SIFs can be calculated directly without the demand of making the crack surface associated to the mesh,without dense mesh near the crack tip and without post-processing.So,the pre-processes and postprocesses can be simplified greatly.The basic theory of XFEM for directly calculating SIFs is presented and the integral method for elements containing crack surfaces is improved.Finally,the accuracy of the method and influencing factors to results are analyzed by two typical examples.It is concluded that the results obtained by direct method are as good as by interaction integral.