Implementation of direct numerical simulation by high order zone-divided parallel algorithm
  Revised:January 21, 2006
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KeyWord:DNS,mixing layer,parallel computation,MPI
QIU Jian  GU Zhao-lin
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      A high order zone-divided parallel computation for direct numerical simulation(DNS) was implemented on a PC cluster system based on MPI platform,combined with fifth order WENO-RF scheme.Details of the way to deal with communication and virtual nodes were discussed to ensure that the number of nodes and zone-dividing method were irrelevant to accuracy of DNS.The parallel code was applied to DNS of three-dimensional compressible temporal mixing layer and analyses on simulation solutions,and indicated that the results were satisfactory and coincident with former researches well.The computation results are independent of the inner boundaries when virtual nodes for data buffer between nodes meet the requirements of the stencil for WENO-RF scheme.It reveals that distributed parallel computing with the zone-divided algorithm can achieve high parallel efficiency and speedup factor,helps to reduce hardware requirements for DNS,and has the ability to deal with large-scale direct numerical simulations on PC clusters.