An adaptive delaunay tetrahedron mesh generation method through point by point insertion
Received:October 20, 2005  Revised:July 07, 2006
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KeyWord:mesh generation,tetrahedron,constraint facet,delaunay algorithm,point by point in sertion
LUO Guan-yong  CAO Hong  FANG Ying-guang
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      This paper presents an adaptive Delaunay tetrahedron mesh generation method.The method controls mesh density through an element size field.The field grows with mesh generation.Elemental vertexes are inserted one by one in centroids of element facets which do not satisfy the size field requirements.The method has the following features: 1) vertexes and elements are generated at the same step;2) Surfaces meshes and interior meshes of a body can be generated at the same step without distinguishing them;3) Element quality and adaptability are favorable.In addition,two relative algorithms are introduced too.One is constraint facets recovery algorithm.The algorithm is based on the property of constraint facets: no element edges can intersect with constraint facets.The other one is concerning how to judge whether a vertex is inside an arbitrary enclosure polyhedron or not.It is generated from the ray method under two dimensional condition.The element quality is assessed through some examples.Sliver elements are few.The method presented is an effective way to generate adaptive Delaunay tetrahedron mesh.