An new method for selecting sampling points in response surface method
Received:March 26, 2005  Revised:November 05, 2005
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KeyWord:structural reliability,response surface method,limit performance function,sampling points,interpolate point
LI Sheng-yong  ZHANG Zhe  SHI Lei  YU Bao-chu
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      As a approximation method,response surface method(RSM) is widely used to alleviate the computational burden of structural reliability analysis.However,the conventional RSM,whose sampling points are positioned according to interpolate point,seems to be ineffective for the large and complex structural reliability analysis problems.It is important that Positioning sampling points close to the actual limit state surface for both the speed and precision of fitting the actual surface.Therefore,a new strategy for positioning sampling points is proposed in this paper,which in the group of initial sampling points only one point is replaced by interpolate point generated in every iteration step,the point is of the largest distance between the two.Then,a new group of points is formed to perform the next iteration process until the convergence condition is meet.So,only one structural analysis is performed in every iteration step,while 2n 1 structural analysis is needed to performed in conventional RSM.Examples are given to demonstrate the advantages of the new method proposed in the paper for both convergence and computational costs.And it is of applicable significance.