Study on structural parameter identification in time domain based on virtual response
Received:January 13, 2006  Revised:August 19, 2006
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KeyWord:parameter identification  time domain  signal de-noising  virtual response  wavelet package analysis
XIE Xian-zhong  YI Wei-jian  WANG Xiu-yong  YU Jian-da
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      A new signal de-noising method based on virtual response information is proposed, which considers fully the response property of linear dynamic system in time domain and the property of frequency space partitioned by wavelet package ana certain excitation, virtual responses can lys be is. Being a kind of realizable responses of structure under a used to identify the structural dynamics system deservedly. Seismic response information is a batch of low of measurement noise. The new de-noising m slgna ethod 1-noise-ratio data, whose valid frequency zone is full proposed in this paper can eliminate efficiently the noise in seismic responses, while threshold value de-noislng method based on wavelet analysis is of no effect. It is illustrated by numerical examples that response information, and the identification error the stiffness parameters can be identified with virtual corresponds to the measurement noise in principle.