Shear lag effect of cracked simply supported box girder analyzed by variational principle
Received:August 30, 2005  Revised:July 14, 2006
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KeyWord:variational principle,transformed-section method,concrete box girder,shear lag effect
CAO Guo-hui  FANG Zhi
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      Variational principle usually applied in shear lag effect analysis of box girder.In the paper,base on transformed-section method,adopting variational principle,it deducing shear lag coefficient formulation of simply supported prestressed concrete box girder under uniform load and simply supported reinforced concrete box girder under concentrated load,concrete cracking is considered in shear lag effect,and compared with experimental result and design code.It is clear in mechanical concept to analyze shear lag effect of cracked concrete box girder by variational principle,it is the extension of elastic analysis,and it can also be applied in shear lag effect analysis of cracked concrete continuous box girder,it has wide application prospect.