Application of numerical manifold method in fluid-solid interaction harmonic analysis
Received:August 26, 2005  Revised:January 24, 2006
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KeyWord:numerical manifold method,fluid-solid dynamic interaction,high-order NMM,cover of analytic solution,combination of numerical solution and analytic solution
SU Hai-dong  HUANG Yu-ying
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      Numerical Manifold Method(NMM),put forward by Shi Genhua,is capable of solving continuum and discontinuum problems and has bright future.This paper presents 2D high-order NMM equations of fluid-solid interaction harmonic analysis based on rectangular mathematical meshes,concerning inviscid,irrotational, incompressable fluid field and undamped structures.Definite boundary conditions are introduced via Lagrange multiplier method.One can select various polynomial orders of structure displacement and fluid pressure field by requirement.The given results of computing frequencies and harmonic response prove the validity of the approach,and indicate that high-order NMM has high precision and convenient preprocessing.The approach of using covers of analytic solution to simulate special infinite fluid field is also proposed in the paper,which can decrease greatly the number of meshes and unknowns to be solved,and converge quickly.The given example suggests that NMM should be very suitable for combination of numerical solution and analytic solution,and more convenient than other approaches.