The role of pressure-dependent wall slip in the generation of hydrodynamic pressure in a sliding gap
Received:July 12, 2005  Revised:November 24, 2006
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KeyWord:wall slip,sliding gap,hydrodynamic pressure
WU Cheng-wei  MA Guo-jun  JIANG Lian-fu
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      Wall slip has received more and more attention during recent years in nanorheology,micr-fluidics,thin film lubrication,micro-electro-mechanical-system(MEMS),etc.Most of the previous investigations focused on the effects of the surface initial limiting shear stress on the wall slip behavior and hydrodynamics of thin film lubrication.This paper mainly investigates the role of the pressure-dependent wall slip in the generation of hydrodynamic pressure in a sliding gap by means of a limiting shear stress proportional constant.It is found that the proportional constant affects the hydro dynamics in two opposite ways: it increases hydrodynamic pressure at a high initial limiting shear stress,but decreases hydrodynamic pressure at a low initial limiting shear stress.That means there is a transition point of the initial limiting shear stress for the proportional constant to affect generation of the hydrodynamic pressure.However,a small proportional constant always gives rise to a low friction drag when a wall slip occurs.