A dynamic FE analysis considering the SSI effect on 3D pile-supported structures
Received:May 25, 2005  Revised:March 06, 2006
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KeyWord:pile-group effect,3D Pile-Group-Soil-Structure(PGSS) interaction,kinematic and inertial interaction,a whole FE computation,dynamic response
XIONG Hui  LU Xi-lin  HUANG Liang
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      A dynamic FE 3D structural interaction model and the corresponding time-history equation considering kinematic interaction,inertail interaction of pile-groups are presented with the combination of simplified impedance method.The dynamic characteristics of pile-soil-structures under horizontal seismic loads are rationally reflected by means of similar pure structural finite-element approach.The participation effect on system response of different pile collocation,soil condition is described with spring-dashpot elements characterized by pile-group/raft dynamic impedance in the model.The sway-rocking input components of shear s-wave of pile-group kinematic interaction are also introduced to dynamic equilibrium equation.With the analysis for a pile-supported 20-storey steel frame,it is indicated that the SSI effect would increase with the decrease of pile/soil foundation stiffness depending on pile-group dynamic effect and the internal forces of structural,members under SSI would reduce greatly relative to fixed-base condition.The time-history response for the complicated PGSS will be accurately and quickly developed by this model.