A discrete particle model and characteristic based SPH method for fluid-solid interaction of granular materials filled with liquids
Received:November 14, 2005  Revised:April 03, 2007
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KeyWord:discrete particle method,smoothed particle hydrodynamics,characteristic line,granular materials,fluid-solid interaction
CHU Xi-hua  LI Xi-kui
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      In the frame of discrete particle model for modeling of granular materials,there exist two main types of mathematical models for modelling interstitial liquid,i.e.the discrete(liquid-bridge) and continuum models.The liquidbridge model is mainly used for low moisture content and is not able to model the fluid transport within a porous medium.To model fluid flow through a porous medium and its interaction with the solid grains of the medium,a continuum model should be employed.In this paper a coupled discrete particle-continuum model for wet granular materials is developed.The solid particles are described by discrete particle model,and the motion of the interstitial fluid phase and its interaction with the solid phase are described by continuum scheme governed by the averaged N-S equation.In light of SPH approach,the characteristic based SPH method is presented for numerical modeling of pore fluid flow.A numerical solution procedure based on discrete element method and characteristic based SPH for wet granular materials is formulated.Numerical results demonstrate the capability and performance of the proposed scheme in modeling the interaction and exhibit influences of interstitial fluid flow upon the loading capacity and deformation of the solid particle assembly.