Analysis of bolted structures with Natural Element Method and program design
  Revised:May 31, 2005
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KeyWord:natural element method,natural neighbor interpolation,truss element,bolted structures,program design
YU Tian-tang
Department of Engineering Mechanics,School of Civil Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098
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      A Natural Element Method(NEM) model is proposed for the bolted structures.An element form,which is based on the natural neighbor interpolation and the stiffness matrix of one-dimensional truss element,is introduced into the analysis on bolted structures,and the implementation procedure and main program design are given.The discretizations for structure and bolt are independent,so the bolt can be freely added or removed in the analysis.The size of the global stiffness matrix is related to the number of nodes,and node numbering of discretized structure,is independent of bolt discretization.In the analysis,the computation of the stiffness matrix of bolt element is very convenient.Numerical simulations illustrate that the accuracy of NEM is almost the same as that of Finite Element Method(FEM),but the implementation is more convenient than that in FEM.