Splitting rigidity method for analysis of orthogonal and ortho-laid double-layer space grids
  Revised:June 02, 2005
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KeyWord:splitting rigidity method,double-layer space grids,static analysis,natural vibration analysis,stability analysis
ZHAO Wen-yan  LIU Wen-yang  ZHANG Wen-fu
1.School of Civil Engineering,Daqing Petroleum Institute,Daqing 163318,China;2.School of Engineering,Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University,Daqing 163319,China
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      In this paper orthogonal and ortho-laid double-layer space grids have been assumed as orthotropic sandwich plate,and are analyzed by the theory of plate with consideration of shear deformation and three generalized displacements. Static analysis of double-layer space grids under distributed loading,natural vibration analysis and stability analysis of three kinds of double-layer space grids have been studied with splitting rigidity method.The calculating formulas for internal forces,displacements,fundamental frequency and critical load of double-layer space grids have been given.The comparison with the results of finite element method shows that as a simplified method,the method presented in this paper is pretty accurate,whose error is less than 5 percent in general.It can be used in the preliminary design of engineering structure in case that the internal forces,displacements,fundamental frequency and critical load of double-layer space grids can be obtained rapidly.Furthermore,comparing with other simplified method its solution is more accurate and its process is more simplified.