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KeyWord:Tubular K-joint,ACPD technique,crack development,fatigue life,S-N curve,SIF(Stress Intensity Factor)
ZHANG Bao-feng1  QU Shu-ying1  SHAO Yong-bo1  YANG Chun-qiu2
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      A large full-scale tubular K-joint specimen under cyclic load was tested in this study.Before fatigue test,static test was carried out to determine the hot spot stress(HSS) distribution along the weld toe of the K-joint sepcimen and locate the position of the peak HSS.Thus,the position of the surface crack initiation is determined.During the fatigue test,a specially designed test rig was used to provide constant amplitude cyclic load.The technique called Alternating current potential drop(ACPD) technique was used to monitor the crack initiation and development in the fatigue test.From the test results,the development of the deepest point of the surface crack can be obtained and shapes of the surface crack during different stages were obtained.In the prediction of the fatigue life of a tubular K-joint,S-N curve is frequently used.For cracked tubular K-joints,stress intensity factors(SIFs) are used to estimate the remaining life of such joints.In this study,through comparing with the S-N curves,the fatigue test results were used to verify the accuracy and reliability of S-N curve method.From the test results,the SIFs of the K-joint specimen are also obtained for using Paris' equation.