An improved arc-length method for searching pre-defined displacement in nonlinear analysis of structures
  Revised:June 01, 2005
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KeyWord:nonlinear analysis,pre-defined displacement,improved arc-length method
SONG Zhen-sen  SHE Zu-yan  LUO Yong-feng
1. Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China, 2. Department of Building Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
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      Arc-length method is widely employed in nonlinear FEM analysis because it is efficient and robust for solving the nonlinear formulation,especially for the problem of Snap-through and Snap-back.But it is rather difficult to converge to a specified displacement level with this method.Based on the concept of generalized arc-length,an improved arc-length method is presented to converge to pre-defined displacement.The improved method can be used to search and determine the pre-defined displacement levels besides tracing the whole nonlinear equilibrium path of a structure.Numerical experiment shows that the new method is accurate,efficient and reliable.