Study on method of simulating spatial effect of prestressing force in bridge
  Revised:June 02, 2005
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KeyWord:prestressed concrete bridge,prestressing force,spatial analysis,degenerated solid elements,equivalent node load
WANG Jin-feng  XIANG Yi-qiang  XU Xing
Traffic Engineering Institute, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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      With extensive use of prestressing force,the stress state of bridge structure becomes more complex,and it is necessary to analyze the bridge structure with three-dimensioned method.But for prestressed reinforcement's number and its shape, it is difficult to simulate the spatial effect of prestressing force.Based on prestressing force's mechanism,it was proposed that equivalent node load was used to simulate its spatial effect during tensing,and that degenerated solid element was employed to take prestressed reinforcement as a part of structure and to analyze structure after grouting.The method discussed in the paper was confirmed by two examples.The result of analysis shows that this method can really simulate the spatial effect of prestressing force,and can be used to three-dimensioned analysis of prestressed concrete bridge.