Optimum shape control of antenna with adaptive truss structure
  Revised:June 01, 2005
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KeyWord:adaptive truss structure,shape control,optimum control,BFP(Best-Fit Paraboloid)
School of Astronautics, BeiHang University, Beiiing 100083, China
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      Original paraboloid control method and best-fit paraboloid(BFP) control method for parabolic antenna with adaptive truss structure are given and compared.The truss structure contains piezoelectric bars as active elements.Both of the two methods belong to optimum control method.The control models take precision and energy consumption as comprehensive objective functions,limitations of strengths and voltages as constrained conditions,and active voltages as controlled variables.Based on expressions of structure mechanical characters and antenna precisions in active voltage,the control models are transformed into accurate and explicit programming problems,which are easy and efficient for computation.The main difference of original paraboloid and BFP control methods is that they respectively choose optical path differences,which are relative to original designed paraboloid and BFP,as precision indexes.The superiority of BFP control method in controlled antenna precision and energy consumption is demonstrated both by analysis and emulation.Finally,effect of different load cases and voltage limitations on shape control ability of an adaptive antenna is discussed.