Numerical simulation of 3D transverse chemistry-reactive flows
  Revised:May 09, 2005
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KeyWord:COIL(Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser),characteristic theory,subsonic,transonic,supersonic,numerical simulation
XUE She-sheng  LI Shou-xian  WANG Yuan-zhang
Beijing Institute of Applied Physics and Computation Mathematics, Box 8009, Beiiing 100088, China
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      An improvement on a 3D code with chemical Reaction was made,and the improved code has the capability of modeling COIL(Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser) nozzle flows with transverse iodine-injection.In this improvement,determination of the boundary conditions of primary and secondary gases inflows were elementary and important.In detail,gases flows near the boundaries were considered as one-dimensional isoentropic flows,and the characteristic theory of hyperbolic equations was used to analyze the characteristic relatives of EULERIAN equations with mass flow-rate variable.A simplified characteristic equation was numerically solved by characteristic scheme,then the inflow densities or speeds of mixed gases at the subsonic(transonic)boundaries were obtained.The calculation of the example with helium diluent provided by relevant reference was made,and the results agreed well with it.The simulations of the case with nitrogen diluent were also done,and the computational results indicated the different flow feature and gain feature compared with that with helium diluent.These demonstrated the effectiveness of the improved code to model 3D,chemical reactive flows with transverse gases mixing.