A numerical study of the action of ship-generating waves on a surface-piercing vertical cylinder
  Revised:April 26, 2005
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KeyWord:thin ship theory,Green function,Rankine source method,ship-generating wave
AN Hong-wei  ZONG Zhi  DONG Guo-hai  WANG Yong-xue
1. State Key Lab. of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China; 2. Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
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      In this paper,the problem that a surface-piercing vertical cylinder subjected to the waves caused by a nearby moving ship is studied. The problem is composed of two parts: the waves generated by the moving ship(ship wave problem) and the waves acting on the cylinder(wave action on the cylinder problem). The ship wave problem is solved by use of the thin-ship theory,in which the Green function given by Noblesse is employed.The numerical results show that the non-oscillatory term in the ship generating waves can be neglected far away from the ship.In the second part of the paper,a Rankine source method is developed to calculate the action of ship-generating waves on the vertical cylinder in finite depth water.Using the ship-generating waves as the incident wave,the diffraction wave produced by the cylinder is estimated using the Rankine source method.Forces and moments acting on the cylinder are estimated from the diffraction wave.Analysis shows that the results have appropriately revealed the expected behaviors of such a problem.