Stress intensity factors near crack tip of anisotropic material with a new hybrid finite element method
  Revised:January 07, 2005
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KeyWord:finite element method,anisotropic material,stress singularities,hybrid finite element,stress intensity factors
LIANG Ping-ying  CHEN Meng-cheng
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      In this paper a finite element eigen-analysis method is applied to solve the stress singularities,also is used to calculat the angular dependences of the stress and displacement fields near crack tip of anisotropic material under in-plane loading.Consequently,They are used to constructs a new singular tip element. With the tip element,a hybrid-stress finite element equation is educed combining Hellinger-Reissner principal,accordingly a hybrid-stress finite element model is developed.Combined with general four-node element around crack tip element,a new hybrid finite element method to study stress intensity factors for interfacial crack is introduced.To illustrate the efficacy of the suggested procedure,some numerical examples are presented,which are computed stress intensity factors for crack tip in anisotropic material under the conditions of in-plane stress and strain.All calculations show that present method yields more accurate results than those of the existing analytical/reference solutions,and the method can be applied to study more complex structures in engineering.