Investigation of decreasing vibration effects of fluid viscous damper in bridge engineering under random loads
  Revised:July 01, 2005
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KeyWord:fluid viscous damper,bridge,effects of decreasing vibration,matrix transform,random loads
NIE Li-ying  LI Jian-zhong  HU Shi-de  FAN Li-chu
Hits: 1669
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      The fluid viscous dampers are frequently equipped at the beam end for restricting pounding between adjacent component or larger beam end displacement of bridge.For technique hindrance,determining parameters for fluid viscous damper in bridge design is generally by nonlinear time history analysis of entire bridge model under earthquake.As bridge is requested to be subjected to various random loads which can arouse notable longitudinal response between beam ends during its life span,whether the damper always has advantageous effects on bridge or not becomes a question which puzzles the damper practice in bridge engineering.Relations between physical parameters itself and mechanics characteristics of fluid viscous damper are investigated at first.Secondly,local dynamic equations about fluid viscous damper under random loads are obtained by matrix transform.Finally,based on the above research,the question are investigated in two aspects: deformation and force.The results of advantageous effect of decreasing the relative displacement,velocity and acceleration all the time except force of structural components are found and verified.