Identification and optimization for effective thermal diffusivity of fresh ice
  Revised:January 12, 2005
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KeyWord:parametric identification,optimal control,thermal diffusivity,river ice
BAI Yi-la  LI Zhi-jun  FENG En-min  HAN Ming  LU Peng
Hits: 1731
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      Based on the vertical temperature profile data of natural river ice,this paper establishes optimal identification model about distributed parameter system where parameters are the coefficients of fitted functions,and fits coefficients of thermal diffusivity of river ice by exponential function and linear function respectively.Furthermore,this paper employs Newton-Raphson algorithm to optimize objective function and use half-implicit difference scheme to obtain the solutions of heat-conduction equation and sensitivity equation.Using the vertical temperature profile data of natural ice in second reservoir of Taiyuan fen-river,the parametric identification and numerical simulation are processed.The results show that simulation results are corresponding with practical measured data.Hence,the identification model and optimal algorithm are effective and feasible.