Topology optimization design for compliant mechanisms based on nodal density
  Revised:March 22, 2005
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KeyWord:nodal density,compliant mechanism,topology optimization,checkerboard pattern,filter method
LI Zhen  SUN Bao-yuan  QIAN Min  ZHANG Jun
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      A new method using nodal density as design variable of continuum topology optimization was proposed to resolve the checkerboard pattern.This method ensured C0 continuity of density field in a fixed design domain.The mathematical model of topology optimization for compliant mechanisms was established,in which,the ratio of mutual energy to strain energy of the mechanism is regarded as the objective function.The analytical expression of sensitivity based on nodal density for compliant mechanisms was also deduced.The method proposed in the paper was applied in sample problems of topology optimization.The results show that the mechanisms obtained by the nodal density method have clear topology structures which actually reflect the structures of the mechanisms without any filtering schemes.